2nd Annual Charity Golf Tournament
Saturday, June 1, 2024
David L. Baker Golf Course
10510 Edinger Avenue, Fountain Valley
Swing into action while supporting local charities at the 2nd Annual Santa Ana Elks Lodge Charity Golf Tournament. Check in starts at 7:00 am. Shotgun starts at 8:00 am. There are contest for the longest drive and closest to the pin. Plus a hole in one at the 3rd hole wins you $1,000! There'll be complimentary tacos, a bloody Mary station, coffee & donuts, goody bags and more. Get a hole in one at the third hole and you'll win $1,000! Then after the tournament, join us at the Santa Ana Elks Lodge for lunch and awards. It promises to be an amazing day and it all benefits local charities!
You can sign up as an individual for $145 or as a foursome for $560. In addition, you can also be a silver sponsor, sponsor the longest drive, closest to the hole or sponsor a tee! Proceeds fund the Monday Night Football Fund which is committed to helping veterans, students, young athletes, and families in need. Questions? Contact Smiley Hernandez at 951-520-5977 or click HERE to contact him by email.
To download an entry form, click the button below.