Lodge News
• Convention Volunteers
• Election of Officers for 2025-2026
• Scholarships
• Online Calendar
• New January ElkHorn Magazine
Volunteers are needed for the upcoming CHEA convention in Anaheim, May 7-10, 2025. We need people to help with registration, greeting visitors, merchandise sales, ritual competition and the president's rally. There are numerous spots open at various time slots. To volunteer, click below. If you want more information contact the following:
Registration & Check In - Angela Anderson at 714-343-8774
Host & Greeters - Tina Duarte at 714-439-6175
Merchandise Sales - Kealoa Jenkins at 808-753-1450
Ritual Competition - Bill Whitmore at 949-279-2549.
Election of officers for 2025-2026 takes place each year in February. This year, the first round of nominations will take place at the lodge meeting on Tuesday, February 4. The second and final round will be Tuesday, February 11. The election will be on Tuesday, February 18. Offices up for election are exalted ruler, esteemed leading knight, esteemed loyal knight, esteemed lecturing knight, lodge secretary, lodge treasurer and first year trustee. Any member of the Santa Ana Elks Lodge in good standing is eligible to run for office. Be sure to come and make your voice heard and vote!
Every year the Santa Ana Elks Lodge awards thousands of dollars worth of scholarships to local students, and this year is no different. Some scholarship applications are still available. Click HERE.
The calendar page of the web site has a wealth of information about what's happening when and where. You'll see all the major events and be able to purchase tickets to them, as well as every meeting, every event and every special happening.
Every Monday at noon, there's a live Facebook broadcast on the members page. This is where you'll hear about everything that's happening at the lodge that week. You can either watch it live, or watch it anytime on the Facebook members page.
Once you become a member, you'll start getting emails every Monday with the news of what's happening at the lodge every day that week. It's a great way to keep informed.
The lodge has two separate pages on Facebook: a lodge page and a special members page that only members can access. Not only that, but it's where members can share their own photos of lodge events. We also have an Instagram page where we post photos of upcoming and past events.
We're very proud of our ElkHorn Magazine, the official monthly publication of the Santa Ana Elks Lodge. Inside you'll find a two-month calendar of events, columns from each of the officers along with our general manager, news from the different committees. what new candidates have been proposed for membership, who's having a birthday and eligible for a free pasta dinner, special events and more! If you'd prefer to receive your copy online instead of your mailbox, just call the lodge and they'd be happy to make that arrangement. And if you'd like to support the publication and promote your business by placing an ad in the ElkHorn, you can do that too! For ad rates, sizes and information, click below.