• Honoring Tradition While Embracing Evolution, Development & Growth •
Orange County's Largest
Superbowl Party

Who We Are
The Santa Ana Elks Lodge is a fraternal order based upon thee principles of charity, justice, brotherly love and fidelity. Since 1902, we have worked to served our community, promoted the welfare and happiness our members and strived to quicken the spirit of American patriotism and cultivate good fellowship
The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks is a fraternal order with hundreds of thousands of members and a 150+ year history, a network of nearly 2,000 lodges in communities all over the country and a generous charitable foundation that each year gives millions in scholarships. We strive to be an inspiration to youth, a friend to veterans, of service to our community and more.
What We Do
The Order spends more than $80,000,000 every year for benevolent, educational and patriotic community-minded programs in such fields as benefiting special needs children, sponsoring Elks National Foundation scholarships, scouting, athletic teams, veterans’ works, a national “Hoop Shoot” free-throw contest involving more than 3 million children, physical and occupational therapy programs and patriotic programs.
The youth of our country have always been important to the Elks which is why we launched a drug awareness program to warn primary grade students and their parents of the dangers of drug use. Additionally every lodge observes June 14 as Flag Day, a tradition which the Elks began in 1907 and was later adopted by Congress as an official observance.
Upcoming Events
- Fri, Feb 07Santa Ana
- Sun, Feb 09Santa Ana
- Fri, Feb 14Santa Ana
- Sat, Feb 15Santa Ana
- Fri, Feb 21Santa Ana
- Fri, Feb 21Santa Ana
- Sat, Feb 22Santa Ana
- Fri, Mar 07Santa Ana